When Grandma Says No, But Your Heart Says Yes

The story behind my debut children's book (free for 2 days!)

"It's never too late to be what you might have been." - George Eliot

Exciting Birthday Announcement!

I've got something exciting to share with you today. It's my 47th birthday on Monday July 15, and I'm celebrating by launching my very first children's book, "I'm Beautiful Because I am." It's the first in "The Because I am" children's picture book series that I wrote and illustrated, and I'm offering it for free for two whole days!

A Look Back

Let me share a bit of background...

At 15, I was in summer school for science. Not because I couldn't manage, but because I'd lost motivation. My grandmother, who meant everything to me, had passed away. For nearly two years, I was deeply sad.

An Unexpected Turn

But then, something magical happened. To pass summer school we had to write a children's book about something we learned in that science class.

I chose neurons, and how they transmit messages in our bodies. It was written through the character of "Norma Neuron" and how she always “tells” everything she knows.

To my shock, my teacher loved it. She even asked to keep it, and said she would show it to publishing contacts. Not caring much I said yes.

But I never followed up and it never went further.

The Weight of Well-Meaning Words

Here's why this is a really significant thing though. Years before, my book-loving grandmother, who devoured books like air, had advised me against being a writer. "It won't pay the bills," she said, trying to shield me from a life of struggle and poverty. 

Those words, meant with love, steered me away from this path for decades, I'd simply tucked that dream away.

Or so I thought.

Fast Forward to Now

As I approach 47, I'm finally embracing that path again.

"I'm Beautiful Because I Am" isn't just a book – it's a bridge to the me I left behind, and maybe to something even greater I haven't discovered yet.

More Than Just Writing

This isn't really about me being a "writer." I'm so many things, expressing myself in so many ways. But I've been thinking – what if I had pursued writing earlier?

Everything we do is a bridge to something else, whether it's a new skill or an upgraded part of who we are advancing towards.

Life's Journey and Milestones

Life unfolds in stages, much like levels in a game. You can't skip steps - just as a baby must crawl before walking.

Writing these books might be a crucial milestone I need to pass to reach what's beyond. After all, why would this desire keep resurfacing if it wasn't a necessary stop on my life's journey?

Every experience matters, each skill we acquire builds on the last. Perhaps this book is the bridge I need to cross to discover what's waiting on the other side. The persistent call to write might be life's way of guiding me toward an essential part of my path.

By embracing this long-postponed dream, I'm not just writing a book - I'm potentially unlocking the next chapter of my life's story. What if this seemingly small step is actually a giant leap toward something I can't yet imagine?

What I've Learned

This journey has taught me valuable lessons about dreams and desires:

  1. Even those closest to us can unintentionally give limiting advice.

  2. It's never too late to pursue a dream.

  3. The right support makes a big difference.

  4. We must trust our inner voice, even when it contradicts well-meaning advice.

Here's how you can be part of this celebration:

  1. Reply to this message so I know you're interested

  2. Grab the book from Amazon during the free period (I'll share the link early Monday morning)

  3. Give it a read and drop me a message to let me know what you think

  4. If you're feeling up to it, leave a review on Amazon – it means the world to me and helps with visibility

  5. Share this with friends who might enjoy the book during this free period, parents or not!

A Book for All Ages

Remember, these books are for the kid in all of us. They're written for children but crafted to speak to adults too.

The Deeper Meaning

By reading this book, you're not just celebrating with me. You're helping that little girl inside me complete her mission. You're showing that we can lift each other up, no matter how long our wishes have been waiting.

Thank You from My Heart

Thank you for being here and being part of this new adventure. Your support is the best birthday gift ever.

Here's to dreams that never die, and to helping each other reach them!

With love and gratitude, Azizi

P.S. Look out for my message on Monday to get your free book. Let's make something magical happen together!

Watch the cute video about my book! You'll see some of the pages inside!