Stop Ignoring Your Most Powerful Asset

Make the most of your secret power

"Even when we don't know how we know or why we know, we still know. This is a truth most of us experience but seldom pause to appreciate."

Ever had that weird feeling that something's just not right, even though everything looks fine on the surface? Well, let me tell you about an incident last week that really proved how much that gut feeling matters.

While my family was off in Europe, I was back home in Mexico, moving into a new place with the help of a couple of friends. In the middle of moving boxes and sorting through years of stuff, this guy shows up at my door. He had a piece of paper and kept asking for someone who obviously didn't live there. My Spanish isn’t perfect, but the universal signs of confusion were all there.

He seemed harmless enough, but something felt off. I brushed it off initially because we had so much going on with the move. But as he lingered, that little voice inside me whispered, "Be careful." So, without really thinking why, I moved my bag from the front room to somewhere safer inside.

The man lingered, which was odd. He offered to help, I declined, and he finally walked away.

After loading up the car, I suddenly thought to myself “I should use the bathroom before we head across town”. I returned to the house with my two friends, one of whom was going to stay in the house since there wasn’t enough room with all my stuff in the car.

When I popped back to use the bathroom before we headed out, everything felt wrong. It’s like I could feel fear but I also knew it wasn’t mine. It was almost too quiet, and then I saw my bag dumped on the bathroom floor, not at all where I'd left it. I knew instantly: my wallet was gone.

What Happened Next:

Calm but certain, I turned around and told my friends what I just discovered. They told me to check outside the house to see if he was getting away or if anyone saw which way he went, because it was barely minutes that we turned our back to pack up the car.

I could have ignored that nagging feeling, but I’m glad I didn’t. As I started to go out, I stopped—overwhelmed by a deep sensation that he was still inside. Despite their slight skepticism, my friends listened and stayed inside to search.

Meanwhile, I began speaking with a neighbor about the incident. I went outside to talk to a neighbor and figure out if they saw anything. Just then, my friend shouts—he’s still in the house! Long story short, we caught him, and got my wallet back.

We took his photo, got his ID, and spread the word in our local community to be cautious. Turns out, he was more desperate than dangerous, and the situation ended peacefully. It was an intense reminder of how powerful and important it is to listen to those subtle internal warnings we often dismiss.

Why Share This Story?

This isn’t just a wild story from my move. It’s a real-life example of why that inner voice, that gut feeling, is something we should listen to more. That instinct, or intuition as some call it, is a powerful tool. It’s not just random; it’s your brain working faster than you can realize, pulling together clues and past experiences in a blink.

In This Issue:

We’re diving into what intuition is, how it works, and why sometimes, it’s the best tool we have for making decisions. Sure, it sounds a bit mysterious, almost like a superpower, but it’s actually a very natural part of being human.

By tapping into this intuitive sense, we can make smarter, quicker decisions that really align with our true needs and safety. So, let’s get ready to learn how to trust ourselves a lot more.

Ready to Explore?

Stick with me, and let's uncover how this superpower works, why it matters, and how you can hone it to not just react to life, but actively engage with it in a more meaningful, confident way.

Understanding that “knowing” sometimes known as intuition:

What Is Intuition? Ever had a moment where you just knew something was off or exactly right but couldn't pin down why? That's your intuition at work—a gut feeling that doesn't need deep thought to make itself known. It just hits you, clear and simple.

It's Not Magic, It's Natural Intuition might seem like a mystical whisper from another world, but it's actually a very natural part of how we navigate our daily lives. While our logical mind takes time to churn through decisions with conscious reasoning, our intuition is already several steps ahead, operating on a subconscious level.

How Your Brain Handles Gut Feelings Our brains are incredibly good at processing information on the fly, far below our conscious awareness. This isn't just guesswork; it's a lightning-fast synthesis of past experiences and subtle signals that your brain puts together faster than you can blink.

Here's What Happens:

  • Split-Second Decisions: Ever made a decision on a gut feeling because there was no time to weigh every option? That's your intuition in action.

  • Uncanny Timing: Like that time last week when I felt compelled to use the bathroom at my old place just as we were about to leave—and discovered my bag had been tampered with. My intuition didn’t just nudge me; it practically saved the day.

Why Tuning Into Your Gut Matters Your intuition acts like a quiet guardian angel, steering you subtly but surely. When you start listening to it, you’ll find your decisions feel more balanced. You're not just operating on logic or whims; you're making choices that align deeply with your inner sense of truth.

Takeaways to Remember:

  • Trust Your Inner Guidance: Your intuition is more than a hunch; it’s a powerful ally that can guide you to more genuine and satisfying decisions.

  • Don't Let Doubts Overshadow Your Gut: While it’s wise to listen to advice, don’t let others' fears drown out your own inner voice.

  • The Value of Quick Decisions: In a pinch, acting on intuition can often be safer and more effective than dithering over options.

Balancing Heart and Mind: The Dance Between Intuition and Logic

Ever find yourself caught between a gut feeling and logical reasoning? It's like having an angel on one shoulder and a devil on the other, each whispering different advice. The key is not to let them compete but to let them dance together. Integrating your intuition with logical thought allows you to make decisions that are both wise and practical.

The Case of Misdirected Mind Tricks

Let's talk about what happened with my friend during the intruder incident. When we were safe and the crisis was avoided, her mind started spinning tales of what could have happened. This is a classic example of the mind trying to assert control by creating fear-inducing scenarios. It's natural for our minds to play out alternative outcomes based on our past experiences and things we've seen, like movies or news stories.

Why the Mind Wanders into 'What Ifs'

Her mind wasn’t just being a pest; it was trying to protect her, to prepare her for similar future situations by playing out worst-case scenarios. But those scenarios didn't reflect reality. They were just imaginary extensions of her fears.

Guiding Your Mind to Work With Your Heart

  1. Acknowledge the Mind's Patterns: Recognize that your mind loves patterns. It’s drawn to them like a moth to flame. But remind yourself that not all patterns reflect the full truth; they're just pieces of possibility.

  2. Reinforce What Actually Happened: Whenever you find your mind wandering into the realm of what-ifs, anchor it back to reality. Remind it of what actually happened.

    For instance, in our case, no one was harmed, and the situation was handled perfectly. Replay the successful outcome, not the feared possibilities.

  3. Decision-Making Framework:

    • Step 1: Feel Your Intuition – What’s your gut saying? Start there. It's your internal compass.

    • Step 2: Analyze Logically – Now bring in your logical mind. What are the facts? What's the rational course?

    • Step 3: Weigh Both Sides – Consider both your intuitive feeling and logical assessment. How do they align?

    • Step 4: Decide With Confidence – Make your decision based on a blend of heart and mind. Trust that the synergy of both will guide you right.

Practical Application: Trust but Verify

It’s like using both a map and your sense of direction when hiking. The map is your logical thought, outlining the path, while your sense of direction (intuition) helps you navigate more intuitively, adjusting to the terrain as you go. Sometimes, the path on the map isn’t as clear on the ground, and that’s where your intuition shines.

Harnessing Your Full Potential

By allowing your heart and mind to work in harmony, you're not just making decisions—you're making the best decisions for your life. It’s about not letting fear dictate your actions but letting confidence in your balanced judgment lead the way.

Why It Matters in Everyday Life

Think about a typical day. Maybe you're dealing with a toddler's meltdown or a teen's mood swings. Or perhaps you're navigating a tricky conversation at work. In these moments, mastering your mind isn't just helpful; it's essential. By improving how you handle your thoughts and emotions, you 10x how you handle life.

Mastering Your Mind Over Matter: It's Not Just for Mystics

Ever heard the saying, "It's all in your mind"? Well, there's more truth to that than most of us realize. Using mental exercises might seem like something for mystics, but believe me, it’s about as down-to-earth as you can get.

You’re not chasing some monk-like state or trying to pull off mental magic tricks;

  1. You’re sharpening your everyday cognitive abilities.

  2. you’re tuning up your day-to-day brainpower.

Moving Beyond Traditional Mindfulness Personally, I’m not a fan of traditional mindfulness practices like meditation. Yes, they have their benefits, but for me, they focus too much on silencing the mind or passively observing thoughts. This approach is not really what I’m looking to master when it comes to the mind.

But what if we could do more than just observe? What if we could actively shape our mental landscape?

Why Mental Exercises Over Meditation?

Some years ago, I began exploring mental exercises over meditations, specifically the Jose Silva Method and the Gateway Experience by Robert Monroe. Unlike traditional meditation which urges you to quiet the mind, these techniques aim to engage and train the mind to control physical senses, tap into deeper cognitive abilities, and get access to way more mental abilities you never “knew” you had.

From Woo-Woo to Wow: Mental Exercises Get Real

Methods like the Jose Silva Method or the Gateway Experience often get brushed off as too “out there.” The Gateway Experience is even a bit controversial—some say the CIA even explored its potential—but it’s basically about mastering your mind to access enhanced states of awareness.

Let’s set the record straight: these are practical tools, not secret spells. A couple of weeks before the attempted theft at my place, while my family was away for a month, I dove back into these two techniques more consistently. Sometimes twice a day. The timing? Perfect.

This period on my own was a great opportunity to do some deep mental work, but don't wait for a perfect moment. Regular practice, even in small doses, can lead to big benefits.

Key Benefits I Notice:

  • Increased Synchronicity: When I actively engage with these exercises, I notice an increase in synchronistic events—those little 'coincidences' that seem too bang on to be random.

  • Sharper Intuition: My ability to tune into my intuitive senses is amplified, giving me clearer guidance in daily situations.

  • Greater Control Over My Responses: Instead of being drawn in by every external stimulus, I find myself responding from a place of almost matter-of-fact strength.

When that intruder dropped in, my level head—thanks to those mental workouts—was key. Instead of losing it, I felt something was off and trusted my gut. This wasn’t some mystical sixth sense; my well-trained intuition did its thing, making sure I stayed sharp and safe.

The High Stakes of Mind Control

Imagine your mind as a bustling city. If you're not the mayor, someone else will be. That's the essence of gaining control over your mind—to tap into the reservoir of your inner knowing. If you don't lead, other influences—media, societal norms, other people's expectations— are jumping at the chance to take the job, directing you down a path that won’t align with your success.

Why Your Inner Knowing Matters

When your mind is cluttered with the noise of endless "proof" and possibilities shaped by others, your own voice—the one that knows your truth—gets drowned out.

This is why many of us end up living lives that feel out of sync with our inner calling. We chase dreams not because they light a fire in us, but because they seem like the safe or expected things to do.

The Reality You Accept Is the Life You Live

Your reality is shaped by what you perceive as possible. Lower your reliance on external validations and "proofs," and you start expanding what you see as achievable.

The intruder in my story, for example, saw my reality as more promising than his own. Despite his history of failed attempts and incarceration, he continued down a path that never offered what he was searching for; a more “lucrative” life.

Why He Failed to See Other Possibilities

The sad irony here is that he wasn’t even good at being a thief. His repeated failures were a direct result of him not being able to see a life beyond his immediate circumstances. His reality was so narrowly defined by his past and his environment that stealing seemed like the only option, even when it clearly wasn’t working out.

Here’s How You Can Get Started:

  • Pick Your Path: Find a mental training technique that clicks with you. Maybe it’s visualization or something structured like the Silva Method.

  • Make It Routine: All skills need practice. Set aside at least 30 minutes each day to train your brain. It doesn't need to be long; consistency and focus is key.

  • Put It Into Play: Use your new mental sharpness in the real world. Handling a tough talk at work or a family feud? Let your enhanced mind lead the way.

Key Points to Remember:

  • Take Command of Your Mind: Learn to silence the external noise that dictates what your life should look like. The first step in accessing your inner knowing is taking back control from the societal norms and expectations that have hijacked your mind.

  • Expand Your Reality: Start visualizing possibilities beyond the conventional paths. Your life can follow numerous paths, and the more you tune into your inner knowing, the more valuable paths become visible.

  • Harness Your Inner Strength: Every decision should come from a deep place of knowing, not fear or conformity. Trust that your heart and intuition, when given the space to speak, will guide you toward fulfilling your true potential.

  • Beware of External Influence: Recognize when others project their fears or limitations onto you. Stay true to your course and remember that only you can define what success looks like for your life.

Mastering your mind is not about detaching from reality or living in a state of constant meditation. It's about enhancing your ability to think, feel, and react in ways that positively impact your everyday life. Whether you're a parent, a professional, or simply someone dealing with the ups and downs of life.