The Way To Get Better Is To Start

Avoid the trap of the right time

The "Because I Am" book series is finally out!

I'm excited to announce that my "Because I Am" book series is now available on Amazon. This collection of five books - "I'm Beautiful Because I Am," "I'm a Genius Because I Am," "I'm Grateful Because I Am," "I'm Patient Because I Am," and "I'm a Winner Because I Am" - represents more than just stories. They're a declaration to personal growth and the power of positive affirmations.

Personal reflection on confronting childhood excuses

From a young age, I was a dreamer with a world of possibilities ahead of me. Writing was just one of many passions I harbored. At 8, poetry opened up a new world for me, and I kept writing even after being told to focus on more "practical" pursuits. In college, I wrote a play - only to abandon it because I couldn't see how it would "make money."

The pressure to "make a living" instead of "making life worth living" seeped in, even for an independent thinker like me. These joy-killers rob us of our true potential. Yes, money matters, but how we feel about the way we make our money hugely impacts whether we can reach our true genius zone. Little did I know, my daughter was about to challenge this limiting mindset head-on.

The moment my daughter's desire to write challenged my own beliefs

When my, then, 12-year-old daughter announced she wanted to be a writer "when she grows up," it was like a time machine hurled me back to my own childhood. I remembered making that same declaration, only to have it dismissed as impractical.

But her words sparked two revelations:

  1. Why wait until she "grows up"? When exactly does that day start? And shouldn't we always keep growing?

  2. I needed to "grow up" myself and start writing now.

This moment wasn't just about writing. It was about challenging the concept of "waiting until..." and recognizing that growth is ongoing. It prompted me to get her started right then and she wrote her first book “Because Kids Can Scuba Dive”, at 12 with the abilities she had, understanding that what we really want is to grow our skills and abilities - and that takes a rough draft.

It was time to stop making excuses, for both of us. Time to explore the full spectrum of who we are and what we can offer the world, right now. And in doing so, I'd show my daughter that "growing up" isn't a destination - it's a continuous journey of embracing and developing our potential.

This realization was the catalyst for the "Because I Am" series. These books aren't just for children - they're for the child in all of us who needs permission to grow, to explore, and to affirm our worth at every stage of life.

Breaking the Cycle: From "When I Grow Up" to "Starting Now"

The trap of waiting for the "right time"

We've all heard it: "When I grow up, I'll..." But there's no magical moment when you suddenly "grow up." We're constantly evolving, learning, and changing. Waiting for the perfect time to start living your dreams is a surefire way to never start at all.

I've seen too many adults still waiting to "grow up" before they pursue their passions. They're stuck in jobs they hate, dreaming of what they'll do "someday." But someday isn't a day of the week, and it certainly isn't in any calendar I've ever seen.

Recognizing growth as a continuous journey

Growth doesn't have an expiration date. It doesn't stop when you turn 18, graduate college, or retire. Every day is an opportunity to learn, to improve, to take one step closer to your goals.

When my daughter said she wanted to be a writer "when she grows up," it hit me: why not now? Why not start the journey today, with the skills and resources she has right now? This mindset shift is crucial not just for our kids, but for us as parents too.

The power of starting with what you have

You don't need a fancy degree, expensive equipment, or years of experience to start pursuing your passions. You just need to begin. Start with what you have, where you are.

For my daughter, that meant writing stories with the vocabulary and imagination she had at 12. For me, it meant dusting off old dreams and putting pen to paper again.

Every expert was once a beginner. Every successful person started somewhere, often with nothing more than a dream and the courage to take the first step.

Parents, we need to model this for our kids. Show them that it's okay to start small, to make mistakes, to produce "rough drafts" in life. Because the only way to get better is to start, and the only way to start is to begin with what you have right now.

Don't rob your children - or yourself - of the joy of growth and discovery by postponing dreams to some nebulous future. The time to start living, to start doing, to start being who you want to be is now. Today. This moment.

Remember: You're not waiting to grow up. You're growing by doing.

The "Because I Am" series isn't just a collection of children's books. It's a toolbox for nurturing self-worth, creativity, and resilience - at any age.

Embracing Our Multi-Faceted Potential- The danger of pigeonholing ourselves

We live in a world obsessed with specialization. "What do you do?" is often the first question we ask when meeting someone new. But here's the truth: We are not our jobs. We are not single-faceted beings.

Pigeonholing ourselves or our children into one role, one skill, or one path is like trying to stuff the entire universe into a shoebox. It doesn't work, and it's a disservice to our incredible potential.

I've seen too many adults who gave up on their passions because they didn't fit their "career path." Too many kids who stopped exploring because they were labeled "the smart one" or "the artistic one." This narrow thinking is a creativity killer and a dream crusher.

Encouraging diverse interests and skills

Instead of asking, "What do you want to be when you grow up?" let's ask, "What are all the things you want to explore?"

My daughter isn't just a writer. She's a singer, an entrepreneur, a designer. And guess what? That's okay. In fact, it's fantastic.

Embracing diverse interests:

  • Builds adaptability: In a rapidly changing world, being multi-skilled is a superpower.

  • Enhances creativity: Different skills cross-pollinate, leading to innovative ideas.

  • Increases resilience: If one path doesn't work out, you have other avenues to explore.

How the books support a holistic view of self

The "Because I Am" series isn't about being the best at one thing. It's about recognizing the many facets that make us who we are:

  • "I'm Beautiful Because I Am": Beauty isn't just physical. It's in our actions, our thoughts, our dreams.

  • "I'm a Genius Because I Am": Genius comes in many forms - emotional intelligence, creativity, problem-solving.

  • "I'm Grateful Because I Am": Appreciating different aspects of life broadens our perspective.

  • "I'm Patient Because I Am": Patience allows us to persevere in multiple areas, even when progress is slow.

  • "I'm a Winner Because I Am": Winning isn't just about competition. It's about personal growth across all areas of life.

These books encourage readers to see themselves as whole, complex individuals with multiple strengths and interests. They remind us that we don't have to choose between being smart or creative, patient or ambitious. We can be all these things and more.

Remember: You are not a single story. You are a library of possibilities. Embrace every chapter.

Breaking Generational Patterns

We often don't realize how much our upbringing shapes our view of what's possible. Our parents' fears become our limitations. Their unfulfilled dreams become our secret aspirations. It's time to break this cycle.

Recognizing inherited limitations

Think about it. How many times have you caught yourself saying something your parents used to say? How often do you find yourself reacting to situations in ways that feel eerily familiar?

These patterns run deep. They're not just about career choices or financial habits. They're about how we view ourselves, our potential, and our place in the world.

I got a chance to to confront this head-on when my daughter expressed her desire to be a writer. My knee-jerk reaction could have easily been to echo my grandmother's well-intentioned but limiting advice. 

But in that moment, I chose differently.

Choosing a new path

Breaking generational patterns isn't easy. It requires:

  • Self-awareness: Recognizing where our beliefs come from

  • Courage: Challenging long-held family "truths"

  • Action: Actively choosing different responses and behaviors

When I encouraged my daughter to start writing immediately, rather than waiting to "grow up," I wasn't just supporting her. I was rewriting a family script that had limited creative pursuits for generations.

The ripple effect of change

Here's the beautiful thing about breaking these patterns: It doesn't just affect you. It changes the trajectory for generations to come.

By embracing our full potential, by pursuing our passions alongside our practical needs, we show our children what's possible. We give them permission to dream bigger, to start sooner, to be more fully themselves.

The "Because I Am" series is part of this change. It's a tool to help break free from limiting beliefs and embrace a more empowering narrative. Each book is a reminder that our worth isn't determined by our achievements or our family history, but by our inherent value as human beings.

You have the power to change the story. Not just for yourself, but for all those who come after you. What limiting pattern will you break today?

Living Our Potential Now - The ongoing journey of personal growth

Life isn't a destination. It's a journey of continuous growth and self-discovery. And here's the kicker: It never ends. There's no magical finish line where you've "made it" and can stop evolving.

This isn't bad news. It's incredibly liberating. It means:

  • You're never too old to start something new

  • You're never too young to begin pursuing your passions

  • Every day is a chance to reinvent yourself

Invitation to readers to start their own "rough drafts"

So, what are you waiting for? Your life is a blank page waiting to be filled. It doesn't have to be perfect. In fact, it shouldn't be. Perfection is the enemy of progress.

Start your rough draft today:

  • Pick up that hobby you've been putting off

  • Write the first sentence of that book you've been dreaming about

  • Have that conversation you've been avoiding

Remember, the only way to get better is to begin. Your first attempt might be messy. It might even be terrible. But it's a start. And that's what matters.

Brief mention of book availability as tools for this journey

The "Because I Am" series is available now here These books aren't just for kids. They're for anyone who needs a reminder of their inherent worth and potential.

Use them as:

  • Daily affirmations for yourself

  • Conversation starters with your children

  • Gifts for friends who need a boost

But remember, these books are just tools. The real work happens in your daily choices, in the moments when you choose growth over comfort, action over excuses.

Your potential is waiting. Your dreams are calling. Your best self is ready to emerge.

Don't wait to grow up. Start growing now.

What's your first step going to be?